… movie madness … again

oh, there are so many great films, and I am not easily pleased!

Watched two films last nite, both excellent.
Both with one of our more Promising Female Actors,
and both with excellent writing and editing.
SLIDING DOORS…  Gwyneth Paltrow, young and so promising.
Have you ever wondered how different your life would be, if you
just didn’t miss that train or that cab…. or if you took the train?
Alternate realities, side by side, at first disconcerting, and later
a smooth weave that intertwines and converges into sensibility.
A lovely film, with compelling dialogue, well written and witty in
that way that Brits have with wordplay.  The fellow played by
John Hannah is truly beyond witty, and with a Scottish accent that
adds so much charm to his sincerity, one can’t help but hope for
him to somehow reach the finish line.  Gwyneth is as always…
intelligent, winsome, sincere, candid and playfully herself.
BEST LAID PLANS…. completely and unexpectedly, this Most
original story line,  with twists and turns, holds you to the end.
Reese Witherspoon is her amazing self, and so early in her
 Well written and well played,
you will be drawn in and unable to leave until you
know what is the truth.
So tonite I am watching the last BB, getting ready for the release
of the last season, late November…
Weeds is coming, and there are other delights on the horizon.
be well, warm and happy………………..C

… movie madness 2013

Well, so much for good intentions, my friends, for still and again
my life seems too busy to rise early and write, which is my way…
It’s my birthday week, so there has been a certain abandonment
going on regards to food and drink and hours kept.
Oh well…. it’s all a phase, right?
I have seen a few excellent films of late…
***Code 46…. with Tim Robbins (love) and Samantha Morton (love),
in a futuristic love story. Soft blurred lighting, closeup characters,
a few twists, but all in all quite remarkable.
***Ondine…. with Colin Ferrell… (yum) , romantic but not sappy,
beautifully filmed in Ireland.
And it’s not a spoiler to tell you it has a happy ending,
which is refreshing in a thoughtful film.
***Kiss Kiss Bang Bang… with Robert Downey Jr…( I love him,
but he bugs some people…incredible talent is like that…)
and Val Kilmer… It’s a smart, Snappy Dialogue sort of ride.
They quite obviously had a great time making this.
Stay for the credits, cause there is a really lovely song over the
Titles, and I was sitting there wondering…… and Yes!….
he Wrote it and is Singing it.
He is one amazing guy…. did you see Chaplin?
Oh, and i’m watching Mad Men’s latest season… I like the
characters, and the costumes and sets from that era.
Enjoy your week.  and yes, I’ll be back, if only to say Hello!